Tired of the lies
Telling me all I can be
Pursuading me to believe...
Only to tear me down
Expecting me to help you,
Over saving me.
No more energy
To do things your way
But there's no other option,
Because the results prove deadly...
So I suffer
Forcing myself to help you,
Over saving me.
No sense of relief
A break
What does that even mean?
No rest
Even at your best
It's never enough...
Doing all the work
While I watch you live scot-free
Taking all the credit
While you watch me help you,
Over saving me.
Just searching for the light
At the end of the tunnel,
A sign that my efforts
Will no longer be taken for granted...
I'm tired of fighting
For what should be
I'm over saving me,
I just want to live... freely.